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Cherry Cheesecake

-Description: Do you like cheesecakes? I do so I make at least one cheesecake every week. Recently I have found this excellent recipe of cherry cheesecake and since then this is my family s favorite dessert. You should try it because it is easy to make and it does not require much time. Even if it is not the cherries season you can find them at the market so this should not stop you from making it. Make now the cherry cheesecake because it has the best flavor from all cheesecakes I have ever made.


Around the World in 80 days

-Drive the piece to the bottom of the game field by getting rid of tiles under it and you will see it added to the item outline on the left. Complete the item as you travel around the world in the fastest time as you can.
-Slazi plocice tri boje u nizu i spustaj odredjenje elemente koji ce se pojaviti sa leve strane na dno, putujuci oko sveta.


Princess castle cake 3

-Dekorisi dvorac tortu najlepse sto mozes. Imas dosta opcija za dekoraciju.Uzivaj u igri!
-Description: It was a popular game in the first and second version so we decided to launch a third version with many more options. Decor your princess castle cake of your dream and choose the best items for each part. Have fun.


Animals Home Free

Welcome to the grand show! Someone locked up all the animals and it's time to save them by matching tiles and crafting magical keys!

Snail Bob 5

Stickman Downhill

Description: The world’s favorite daredevil stickman goes downhill!

Crazy Bear Throw

-Pomozi medi da izvadi ribe iz camca koje je uhvatio.On hoce da ih podeli sa svojom porodicom.
-Game Description:This bear just loves to help out his brothers and sisters. He caught way too many fish this year. So now he's going to give some of his number to his friends and family!

Thrill Rush 2

Highway rally 3D

Za igranje igrice moras imati instaliran UnityWebPlayer.
Volite brzu i ludu voznju? Ovo je prava igrica za Vas. Uzivajte u voznji! Kontrole: Space=Nitro, Strelice=levo,desno, gas.Za izbor staze zadrzite misa na igricu i povucite u levo.

Nove Igrice-New Games:Mad Bombs 2, Truck Driver, Bob the Builder Plumbing