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Powerpuff Girls Power

Powerpuff Girls PowerPowerpuff Girls Power.
-Obuci svoje Powerpuff devojke.

Neon ATV

Neon ATVNeon ATV.
-Vasa misija je da vozite lude vratolomije sto je brze moguce.
-Enter the Matrix. His time you are TRON, leader of the new world. Your mission is to ride an ATV and do insane stunts as fast as possible.

Ninjago Final Battle 2

 Ninjago Final Battle Ninjago Final Battle.
-Ovo je finalna borba.Borite se protiv cudovista i sakupljajte novcice da povratite moc.
-This is the final battle of the citadel to protect Kai, Kai Let's kill all the monsters and do not forget use the coins to restore power. The game one of series games Lego Ninjago.

Iron Man: Riot of the Machines

Iron Man: Riot of the MachinesIron Man: Riot of the Machines.
-Uovoj igri Tony Stark mora doci do Iron Man odela i uzeti ga kako bi mogao da se bori protiv raznih ratnih masina. Kontrole:Strelice=Kretanje;X,C=Oruzje

Painting Eggs For Easter

Painting Eggs For EasterPainting Eggs For Easter.
-Ofarbaj i ukrasi svoje Uskrsnje jaje najbolje sto mozes.Uzivaj u farbanju Uskrsnjih jaja!
-Painting Eggs For Easter.

Easter Bubbles

Coaster Racer 3

Coaster Racer 3Coaster Racer 3.
-Treci nastavak fenomenalne voznje.Vozi svoj buggy, bicikl i F3. Pokusaj da stignes prvi do cilja. Odlicna trkacka igrica.Uzivaj u voznji!
-Race your buggy, bike, and F3 car over crazy floating coaster tracks.
Coaster Racer 2
Coaster Racer 2

How Dare You

How Dare YouHow Dare You.
-Trci najbrze sto mozes.Sakupljaj novcice i unisti sve protivnike koji te ometaju u tvojoj meditaciji a nadju ti se na put. Kontrole:Mis=Skok.

NINJAGO: Spinjitzu Smash DX

Spinjitzu Smash DXSpinjitzu Smash DX.
-Kai usavrsava svoje nindza vestine i pokusava da savlada svoje protivnike na najlaksi moguci nacin.

Ninjago final battle

Angry Zombies 2

Angry Zombies 2Angry Zombies 2.
-Unisti zombije koji padaju na tebe.Gadjaj ih topom koji ispusta zelene loptice.Ne mozes pomerati top ako misem predjes isprekidani polukrug koji je oko njega.Kontrole=MIS.

Run Panda Run

Run Panda RunRun Panda Run.
-Trcanje je jedino sto panda voli da radi. Trci kroz sumo koliko god zelis i sakupljaj dragulje i nakit.Kontrole:STRELICE ili MIS.

Ninjago Legend Fighting 2

 Ninjago Legend Fighting 2 Ninjago Legend Fighting 2.
-Kai je u tajanstvenoj sumi gde su brojni neprijatelji.Pomozi mu da savlada neprijatelje i predje sve nivoe. Kontrole:Strelice+A,S,C

Knee Surgery

Ninjago Legend Fighting

 Ninjago Legend Fighting Ninjago Legend Fighting.
-Kai je u tajanstvenoj sumi gde su brojni neprijatelji.Pomozi mu da savlada neprijatelje i predje sve nivoe. Kontrole:Strelice+A,S,C

Cartoon Heroes Games

Batman Jump 2

Batman Jump 2Batman Jump 2.
-Potrebno je popeti se do devojke koja je na vrhu. Usput sakupljaj Betmen znakove. Imas 10 zivota.Uzivaj u igri!

Knight Rider: Batman

Knight Rider: BatmanKnight Rider: Batman.
-A Thrilling adventure with Batman - The Knight Rider. Select your bike, cross the obstacles, collect batman gadgets to earn points. Buy your bike at store to upgrade your skills. Exciting levels to cross with unlimited Fun !

Super Sonic Ski

Super Sonic SkiSuper Sonic Ski.
-Sonic je ovog puta na vodi. Sakupljaj prstenove da bi dobio sto vise poena, i pazi na brzinu. Uzivaj u igri!

Sonic ATV - Mario Land

Sonic ATV - Mario LandSonic ATV - Mario Land.
-Sonic je izgubljen u Marovom svetu. Mozes li mu pomoci?

Kung Fu Zuma

Kung Fu ZumaKung Fu Zuma.
-Zuma u stilu Kung Fua. Poredjaj tri iste boje kuglica u nizu. Prekini niz pre nego kuglice dodju do rupe. Uzivaj u igri!

Level Editor 3

Level Editor 3Level Editor 3.
-Pokusaj da stignes do cilja. Imas razne prepreke  koje moras savladati na svom putu.

Motor Beast

United Force 2

United Force 2United Force 2.
-U ovoj misiji imate za cilj da unistite neprijateljsku vojsku koristeci razno oruzje.Odlicna pucacka igrica.
-You are special forces soldier and your mission is to use your weapon aim skills to shoot enemy soldiers and survive in this shooter game.

Girly Tea Party

Girly Tea PartyGirly Tea Party.
-Devojcica se sprema za cajanku. Pomozite joj da se spremi najbolje sto moze za tu priliku.
-Have you ever been to a girly tea party? Our cute girl is planning on going to one. She needs your help to find the perfect outfit for this occasion. Match her clothes and her jewelry and create a fabulous look!

Must Escape the Wizard's Castle

Must Escape the Wizard's CastleMust Escape the Wizard's Castle.
-Kad budes usao u dvorac carobnjaka vrata iza tebe ce se zatvoriti. Moras odraditi neke zadatke kako bi izasao iz dvorca.
-The Wizard's Castle is a wonderful place to discover for an adventurer, but has many magic powers that can be dangerous!


-Prodji kroz lavirint i popni se do zirove kucice.Usput sakupljaj zirove i novcice.
-Build path with boxes, woods, lifts and trees to get to the acorn-house. Collect acorns, berries and coins. Don't hit to catches.Kontrole:Strelice

Roadside Circus

Roadside CircusRoadside Circus.
Posao u cirkusu je veoma zabavan ali i opasan.Budite precizni u gadjanju pikadom u mete koje su okacene blizu vaseg asistenta.Pazite da ga ne povredite

Dogs in Barber

POUDogs in Barber.
Vas pas je bio veoma prljav danas. Moras ga okupati i srediti kako bi izgledao sto lepse za svoj sou na koji je pozvan. Imate bezbroj opcija odece i pribora.